

group coaching
Iulia Buciuman
on 21.03.2020
Support Group Coaching for Managers If you are a people manager, join us each Wednesday to our group coaching session. We feel the pressure that uncertainty, lack of control, tight decision making, emotional pressure, business-family-own health responsibility is putting on yourself.


agile webinar
Iulia Buciuman
on 13.04.2020
Participa la workshopul “Agile rhythm and routines when working from home” pentru a afla care sunt cele mai bune practici din metodologia Agile Scrum care se pot aplica in lucrul remote cu echipa.
conflicte in echipa
on 06.04.2020
Cum reconstruiesc echilibrul in echipa mea in contextul schimbarilor actuale si al modului in care muncim sau ne impartim sarcinile? Cum construiesc o dinamica de echipa sanatoasa cand inechitatile sunt inerente?
virtual meetings
Iulia Buciuman
on 06.04.2020
"Running Virtual Meetings" raspunde intrebarilor tale despre cum poti avea o sedinta interactiva si eficienta online. Te sustinem sa iti dezvolti acele abilitati care te ajuta in comunicarea la distanta. 
remote teams webinar
Mihai Zant
on 01.04.2020
In sesiunea asta vom afla de la Claudia Pedersen, Learning & Consulting Director UiPath, ce se ascunde in spatele succesului UiPath in a pune pe picioare atat de repede si de eficient o echipa virtuala globala.
leadership shift covid
Mihai Zant
on 25.03.2020
For/over the last two weeks I have been having some lively discussions with my corporate, executive, and entrepreneur coaching clients. As a result, I could reach several conclusions, as underlying trends
work from home
Mihai Zant
on 20.03.2020
In our Bubbling Conversation Series, we intend to invite members or friends of our community, respectable professionals in their field or clients to share their best practices with you. COVID 19 Crisis or not, we believe in empathy, collaboration, mutual support and inclusiveness as future skill nee... Read more
Iulia Buciuman
on 19.03.2020
Perspectiva pe care te provocam sa o dezbatem in acest workshop porneste de la o intrebare: “Putem da copy paste la realitate?” Facem in noul context CUM faceam si in cel vechi din punct de vedere management? 
covid workshop
Iulia Buciuman
on 11.03.2020
COVID forced skills that we need to master ASAP! We believe solidarity is the only real universal response that needs to flourish in these turbulent times. And we want to show our solidarity by offering a free webinar to help you and your company to better prepare for virtual working settings.
Iulia Buciuman
on 02.03.2020
Proactivitate, Asumare, Growth Mindset, Invatare continua, 70/20/10... Sunt lucruri la care te gandesti des? Pe 2 aprilie de la ora 9 te invitam intr-un Deep Dive Workshop despre Autonomie in Invatare, care te va ajuta sa creezi programe de learning prin care sa cultivi acest skill important l... Read more

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